Ibiza weather

Our guide to the weather in Ibiza during May


Average high


UV Index


Monthly rainfall


Sea temperature

Ibiza comes to life in May. Daytime and evening temperatures become warm and rainy spells become less frequent. The sea temperature is still cool, but brave swimmers return to the waves for the first swim of the season. We've looked at the most up-to-date weather data for Ibiza, covering the last 12 years up to 2024, plus we've asked our team of travel bloggers for their first-hand experiences in order to answer the most frequently asked questions about Ibiza weather in May.

What's the weather like in Ibiza during May?

Mummies Waiting In May you’ll find cool days with not much rain in Ibiza giving you a mid spring feeling. It's still warm enough to lay down by the beach and get a bit of a tan. Answered by Mummies Waiting

What should I pack for a holiday in Ibiza during May?

Mummies Waiting Make sure to pack cool items for the middle of the day with jumpers or jackets to layer up with in the evenings. As it will be sunny make sure you have sunglasses and suncream. Answered by Mummies Waiting

What's the best thing about Ibiza in May?

Mummies Waiting As May is towards the beginning of the holiday season, Ibiza is a great place to experience Local Culture including food and markets without feeling the hustle and bustle of busy crowds. Answered by Mummies Waiting

What's the temperature like in Ibiza during May?

The temperature is extremely stable in May with average highs of 20℃ and lows just 2℃ lower at 18℃. The UV index will be high at this time of year, so protection against skin and eye damage is needed. Try to limit exposure between 10am and 4pm. Apply broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every few hours, even if it's cloudy, or more frequently after sweating or swimming, and wear UV-blocking sunglasses too, and bear in mind that bright surfaces, such as sand and water increase UV exposure.

Does it rain in Ibiza during May?

On average, there will be 2 rainy days during the month, amounting to 27.7mm in total. That's much drier than we see in England during August, and therefore not something to be concerned about. There's a small chance that you'll catch a thunderstorm during your trip.

Is it windy in Ibiza during May?

You're unlikely to experience any strong winds. Expect a gentle breeze that increases to moderate at times during May. With warm air temperatures and high humidity, any breeze will feel warm but refreshing.

How warm is the sea in Ibiza during May?

The water around Ibiza is around 19℃ during May. It will feel a little on the cool when first entering, but you'll warm up quickly. Most kids will have no problem with this temperature, but those who feel the cold are unlikely to want to swim.

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